I was going to start by saying it has been a strange old season, but I don’t think we have had more than half a season!
Overall, the season in December was shaping up well albeit one wrapped in Stage 2 & Stage 3 restrictions. Our Ladies’ 1s were taking the County of Middlesex by storm and all the other club sides were doing well. The most pleasing element for me was seeing what a great impact our juniors were having moving through to the senior teams. Half a season it may have been but the club was looking in good shape with both 1st Teams being unbeaten. I had the pleasure of umpiring almost all of the teams and it was good to see the recently re-introduced Men’s 5th Team blossom with an eclectic mix of youth and err … great experience shall we say. The Men’s 5th Team were the last Ashford team to finish their competitive season and are looking better and better. Rumours are that David Brant is looking evergreen and scoring for fun but I will wait to see it with my own eyes.
Chairman’s Chatter this time around is full of ‘thank yous’.
Firstly, thank you to the committee this year who have met on time, on schedule via Zoom every month and have kept things ticking over. 
My next thank you is to all of you – our members. Many of our members have continued to pay a full sub through a difficult season and that has meant that the club is in a very sound financial condition. In fact, we have increased our AstroTurf nest egg for the second re-lay of our carpet.
The next series of thank yous goes to the Ashford (Short Lane) Sports Club committee who heroically kept the bar open until Boris put the kibosh on it and who have supported us by quickly getting us back training, running summer camps and playing in general as soon as we were allowed. Thanks to our Covid Officers who have kept us legally compliant throughout. Thanks also to Claire Brant, Peter Cottrell, Daniel Hakl and Ian Parker who ran our Easter and June camps at short notice creditably recording record numbers.
Elsewhere you will hear about our re-scheduled Centenary Dinner and AGM. With the clubhouse now re-opened it will be good to be able to rub shoulders (metaphorically) with you all again.
Mercifully we appear to have come through Covid and all the ‘slings and arrows of outrageous fortune’ intact and stronger than ever. I would expect nothing less from AHC but it is good to hear this none the less.
In closing I would also like to pay a particular, and heartfelt, tribute to Lynne our retiring President. Ashford would not be Ashford without Lynne and her work and dedication over the years of her Presidency have been immense. Thank you, Lynne, for all those countless hours of unstinting dedication from all of us.
Ian Jenkins (Sherpa)

Kam Roopa has been elected Chairperson by the AHC membership and has taken over from Ian for the coming season. AHC thanks Ian for his dedication to the Club during his time as Chair.

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