The Juniors
We had an early finish to the 2019-20 season missing the last few fixtures due to the national lockdown. Junior training recommenced in July 2020 and fixtures resumed on an intermittent basis in October. We played a few matches and were finally completely locked down again in December. Training recommenced in March and we managed to play quite a few friendlies in April and June.
The greatest success of the season has been the resumption of the hockey camps. Not surprisingly after the lockdown madness, junior players, parents and coaches alike were all very happy that we were able to run junior hockey camps (for ages 6 to 14) over the Easter break and summer half term. There was another junior camp in the first week of August and there will be a second one running 25-27 August. See the flyer below
The Easter camp was especially well attended with, on average, 30 participants each day being coached in three age groups, with 4 coaches and 6 junior helpers over the 3 days. Everyone enjoyed it and the juniors learned new skills and made new friends which is what camps should be all about.
AHC extends its thanks to the coaches Ian Parker, Dan Hakl, Claire Brant and Peter Cottrell, who were all delighted at the camps’ success.
The Juniors cannot be run without coaches. Lenka Pires, Andy Barnes and Kelly Burton rarely miss a session – thank you to them. It would be great to get more people involved to spread the load.​​​​​​​
Junior Hockey Camp Success!
Not surprisingly after lockdown madness, junior players, parents and coaches alike were all very happy that we were able to run junior hockey camps (for ages 6 to 14) over the Easter break and again in May. There was another junior camp in the first week of August and there will be a second one running 25-27 August. See the flyer below
The camps have been a great success. The Easter camp was especially well attended with, on average, 30 participants each day being coached in three age groups, with 4 coaches and 6 junior helpers over the 3 days. Everyone enjoyed it and the juniors learned new skills and made new friends which is what camps should be all about.
Thanks to the coaches Peter, Ian, Dan and Claire, who were all delighted at the camps’ success.
U16 Girls
U16 Girls
U10-12s with the Middlesex Flag
U10-12s with the Middlesex Flag
U14 Boys
U14 Boys
U14 Girls after playing Staines
U14 Girls after playing Staines
U14-16 Girls under the rainbow!
U14-16 Girls under the rainbow!
Easter Camp warm up with Peter 'Joe Wicks' Cottrell
Easter Camp warm up with Peter 'Joe Wicks' Cottrell
Easter camp team
Easter camp team
Easter camp team
Easter camp team
U10 Boys
U10 Boys
Summer Camp Tug-o-War
Summer Camp Tug-o-War
Summer Camp Tug-o-War
Summer Camp Tug-o-War

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