Oh, what a night! With his usual panache, Gordon Smith reports on Ashford Hockey Club's hugely successful Centenary Gala Dinner.
What a fantastic night! On 7 May 2022 at the Runnymede Hotel, 216 former and current players and supporters across seven decades put on their party frocks (and that was just the boys) and Sunday Best to celebrate 100 plus years of our wonderful hockey club. Many more would have attended if they could.

The two-year delay to our centenary celebrations was frustrating (understandable but frustrating) but it did work for the event itself as the Gala Dinner committee were able to take their time planning the event in detail. The wrangling, thumps of table and differences of opinion all bore fruit in the most positive way. I, for one, thought that Heralds with bugles announcing each guest’s arrival and the hot tub in the function room were great ideas...

A little more seriously, we had a gorgeous summery evening and the setting of the grounds and river at Runnymede could not have been bettered. The work and preparation was evident in the foyer bar as guests were able to enjoy an exhibition of the history of Ashford Hockey Club (AHC). Shirts and memorabilia through the years; a running photo collage on screens; four lots of five-foot-high banners detailing the highlights, history and main events of our club and much more. All this vying for guests’ attention as much as where the next drink was coming from.

Of course, the best thing was seeing all the people, renewing old friendships and remembering the mad, fun times that we've had. Fantastic to see players across seven decades from the 1960s on. The 'Queen' Shirley Winson was holding court, still as elegant as ever; our ex-president Martin Smith who also hails from the ‘60s – 1968 being his first season. Another ex-president, the timeless Lynne Morgan, over 50 years a player. Adrian 'Bubbles' Hewes was present, son of another club legend Audrey; his first season was 1972 and he’s still stick-tackling (“I got the ball!”) across the southern counties. The eldest male player present was Eric Rose (Eric E “you're just a bunch of schoolchildren!”), my personal club hero and so important in my formative hockey years.

It was awesome to see players from both the men's Hockey Association Trophy wins in 1994 and 2001. Great, too, to see so many ex-colts from the 1980s through to the current day – a testimony to the quality junior set up we enjoy, overseen for years by Mr Peter Cottrell assisted by many, many coaches, managers and helpers. Also attending were several families with players from two generations. Hundreds of pictures were taken as old friends and teammates clinked, cheered and rolled the years back. The only real issue was it was virtually impossible to get round to speak to everyone that one knew. Maybe we need to do this again in a few months?!

After some time reminiscing and reconnecting, it was time to start the formal proceedings. Everyone sat down to find they had a gift bag full of goodies, including an impressive commemorative brochure. Before the chomp, we had a short (‘on pain of death’ apparently) speech from President Ian ‘Sherpa’ Jenkins. In full flow, the mic went on the fritz, the crowd were on tenterhooks but DJ Francis saved the day! Phew! A slow whiz through the awards – the two lifetime Club Service awards going to Peter and Lynne – a perky speech from our new Chairperson Kam Roopra and then it was time for a memorable couple of sets from the band and the chance to boogie on down with Francis too. Plenty of time for people to further reconnect with old friends and drag out those embarrassing tales of yesteryear one more time. New friendships were formed and toasts made to the club and each other. Where have all those years gone? But it’s been a blast! And so (finally!!), we got to celebrate our club and its past, and look forward to an exciting future in the most enjoyable way.

We will all have examples of people like Eric E who cajoled, inspired and looked after us, ensuring our love for this great club. These individuals, whether on or off the pitch, have ensured our club’s longevity and vibrancy … and we'll need more of them for our future. Do what you can, when you can, it makes a huge difference. At our best, AHC club is one big team. It's a cliché, but it's the people who make a club special ... and we have a very special club. Long may this continue. For the next celebration though, Heralds and bugles (on horseback) ...

By Gordon Smith

Photos from the Centenary Gala Dinner
Event photographs from the end-of-season dinner were once again shot by the wonderful
Adrian Norfor – thank you, Adrian. Browse the album: https://www.ashfordhockeyclub.co.uk/photos/ashford-hc-centenary-gala-dinner--07052022-1025166.html

Your Award Winners for 2021-22
A joyous centenary event was crowned, not by excessive drinking but by our award winners for 2021-22! Who had superb seasons on and off the hockey pitch?

Congratulations to all our award winners for 2021-22!

Further Coverage of the Gala Dinner
Discover The Hockey Museum's report on the Gala Dinner: 

Discover The Hockey Paper's report on AHC's Gala Dinner: 

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