Tears and Tiers – the first part of the 2020 – 2021 season
Normally I would be writing about how all the senior teams are doing at the half way point of the season, what has been going on within the social side of club activities, and of course about our 100-year celebrations and Gala Dinner. However, the first part of the 2020-21 season has been like no other in the club’s history. The pandemic caused by the Covid-19 virus has obviously been the reason and besides the dreadful health effects, it has caused damage and disruption to sport at all levels and disarray on the playing and social sides of hockey at AHC. The management committee at Ashford (Short Lane) Sports (A(SL)S) and your hockey club committee have worked hard to comply with all the relevant Government and England Hockey (EH) rules and guidelines which have changed regularly.
As the season progressed, the country moved through two lockdowns, Spelthorne Borough through various Tiers and EH through five levels of play. This resulted in no hockey for four weeks and disorder due to Covid-19-related problems at other times. The Men’s 1s have been the most affected team with only four games played, whilst the Ladies’ 1s have managed to play the most (eight games), and won all of them!  
Looking ahead, the leagues below National league level have adopted two main approaches to try to finish the season and decide on fair criteria for promotion and relegation. The South Leagues’ approach (and the initial Middlesex ladies’ approach) is that:
> Only one game vs the same opposition this season counts towards the league points;
> Results from games already played stand;
> Games missed in lockdown are not rescheduled, nor are games previously postponed      this season;
> Games which do not count towards league points should be played in the correct spirit – under league rules as far as possible. These games however, do not need to be rescheduled.
> League games (counting towards points) should be rescheduled if they are postponed due to poor weather or players isolating etc.
The other approach being used, for instance in the Middlesex Ladies’ League, is to extend the season until Saturday 24 April 2021 and reschedule the games lost in November to April or before if possible. If the season is not completed, the final league positions will be decided on by an averaging system: total points gained divided by number of games played.
Postponement of the Gala Dinner was very disappointing for all and we are now looking at a September 2021 date and we are hoping that we will be able to pick up on the enthusiasm we had at the start of the year. On behalf of the AHC Committee, I would like to thank all members for their patience and understanding as regards to their club subscriptions. We fully realise that you are not currently getting value for money, but our hands are tied, and we are looking at ways to compensate paid up members in some small way.
In addition, it has been difficult for A(SL)S, with virtually no income, staff furloughed and trying to meet the Government requirements within the building. It has taken a lot of hard work and been very demanding and draining for all. Thank you to those who have strived to keep hockey going when we have been allowed to play and train. The main thing though, is that we are all still here to talk about hockey matters.
In closing, may I wish you all a fun and safe Christmas and hopefully a healthy and more normal 2021.
Come on U Red and Blacks.
Lynne Morgan, President AHC

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